Documentation for package ‘TraMineR’ version 2.2-11

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TraMineR-package Trajectory Miner: Sequence Analysis Toolkit

-- A --

actcal Example data set: Activity calendar from the Swiss Household Panel
actcal.tse Example data set: Activity calendar from the Swiss Household Panel (time stamped event format)
alphabet Get or set the alphabet of a state or event sequence object
alphabet<- Get or set the alphabet of a state or event sequence object

-- B --

bfpdata20 Example data set: First 20 biofam sequences in SPELL form
bfspell Example data set: First 20 biofam sequences in SPELL form
bfspell20 Example data set: First 20 biofam sequences in SPELL form
biofam Example data set: Family life states from the Swiss Household Panel biographical survey

-- C --

cpal Get or set the color palette of a sequence object
cpal<- Get or set the color palette of a sequence object

-- D --

dissassoc Analysis of discrepancy from dissimilarity measures
disscenter Compute distances to the center of a group
dissdomassoc Domain association measures
dissmergegroups Merging groups by minimizing loss of partition quality.
dissmfacw Multi-factor ANOVA from a dissimilarity matrix
dissrep Extracting sets of representative objects using a dissimilarity matrix
dissrf Relative Frequency Groups.
disstree Dissimilarity Tree
disstree.assign Assign rules to profiles provided
disstree.get.rules Tree classification rules
disstree2dot Graphical representation of a dissimilarity tree
disstree2dotp Graphical representation of a dissimilarity tree
disstreedisplay Graphical rendering of a sequence regression tree
disstreeleaf Terminal node membership
dissvar Dissimilarity based discrepancy

-- E --

ex1 Example data set with missing values and weights
ex2 Example data sets with weighted and unweighted sequence data
ex2.unweighted Example data sets with weighted and unweighted sequence data
ex2.weighted Example data sets with weighted and unweighted sequence data

-- F --

famform Example data set: sequences of family formation

-- G --

gower_matrix Multi-factor ANOVA from a dissimilarity matrix

-- H --

hist.dissassoc Analysis of discrepancy from dissimilarity measures

-- I --

is.stslist Test if is a proper state sequence (stslist) object
is.subseqelist Searching for frequent subsequences

-- M --

mvad Example data set: Transition from school to work

-- P --

plot.eseq Parallel coordinate plot for sequence data
plot.seqalign Computation details about a pairwise alignment
plot.seqdiff Plotting a seqdiff object.
plot.seqelist Parallel coordinate plot for sequence data
plot.seqrf Plot method for seqrf objects of relative frequency groups of sequences.
plot.stslist Plot method for state sequence objects
plot.stslist.freq Plot method for sequence frequency tables
plot.stslist.meant Plot method for objects produced by the seqmeant function
plot.stslist.modst Plot method for modal state sequences
plot.stslist.rep Plot method for representative sequence sets
plot.stslist.statd Plot method for objects produced by the seqstatd function
plot.subseqelist Plot frequencies of subsequences
plot.subseqelistchisq Plot discriminant subsequences
print.dissassoc Analysis of discrepancy from dissimilarity measures
print.dissmultifactor Multi-factor ANOVA from a dissimilarity matrix
print.dissrf Relative Frequency Groups.
print.disstree Dissimilarity Tree
print.sdomassoc Measures of association between domains of sequence data
print.seqalign Computation details about a pairwise alignment
print.seqdiff Position-wise discrepancy analysis between groups of sequences
print.seqeconstraint Setting time constraints and the counting method
print.seqidegrad Degradation, Precarity, and Insecurity indexes
print.seqivardur Variance of spell durations in individual sequences
print.seqprec Degradation, Precarity, and Insecurity indexes
print.seqrf Relative Frequency Groups.
print.stslist Print method for state sequence objects
print.stslist.freq Frequency table of the sequences
print.subseqelist Searching for frequent subsequences

-- R --

rbind.stslist Create a state sequence object
read.tda.mdist Read a distance matrix produced by TDA.
recodef Recoding state sequence objects and factors

-- S --

seqalign Computation details about a pairwise alignment
seqcomp Compare two state sequences
seqconc Concatenate vectors of states or events into a character string
seqcost Generate substitution and indel costs
seqdecomp Convert a character string into a vector of states or events
seqdef Create a state sequence object
seqdHplot Plot state sequence objects
seqdiff Position-wise discrepancy analysis between groups of sequences
seqdim Dimension of a set of sequences
seqdist Distances (dissimilarities) between sequences
seqdistmc Multidomain sequences
seqdomassoc Measures of association between domains of sequence data
seqdplot Plot state sequence objects
seqdss Extract sequences of distinct successive states
seqdur Extract state durations from a sequence object.
seqeapplysub Checking for the presence of given event subsequences
seqecmpgroup Identifying discriminating subsequences
seqeconstraint Setting time constraints and the counting method
seqecontain Check if sequence contains events
seqecreate Create event sequence objects.
seqefsub Searching for frequent subsequences
seqeid Retrieve unique ids from an event sequence object.
seqelength Lengths of event sequences
seqelength<- Lengths of event sequences
seqetm Create a transition-definition matrix
seqeweight Setting or retrieving weights of an event sequence object.
seqeweight<- Setting or retrieving weights of an event sequence object.
seqfind Indexes of state sequence(s) x in state sequence object y
seqformat Conversion between sequence formats
seqfplot Plot state sequence objects
seqfpos Search for the first occurrence of a given element in a sequence
seqfposend End of first spell in given state
seqgen Random sequences generation
seqhasmiss Count and identification of sequences with nr and void missings
seqHtplot Plot state sequence objects
seqibad Badness index
seqici Complexity index of individual sequences
seqidegrad Degradation, Precarity, and Insecurity indexes
seqient Within sequence entropies
seqindic Sequence indicators
seqinsecurity Degradation, Precarity, and Insecurity indexes
seqintegr Integrative potential
seqintegration Integrative potential
seqIplot Plot state sequence objects
seqiplot Plot state sequence objects
seqipos Indicators for binary sequences of positive and negative states.
seqistatd State frequencies in each individual sequence
seqivardur Variance of spell durations in individual sequences
seqivolatility Volatility of individual state sequences
seqlegend Plot a legend for the states in a sequence object
seqlength Sequence length
seqlength.align Align sequence length across domains
seqLLCP Compute the length of the longest common prefix of two sequences
seqLLCS Compute the length of the longest common subsequence of two sequences
seqlogp Logarithm of the probabilities of state sequences
seqmaintokens Indexes of most frequent tokens
seqMD Multidomain sequences
seqmeant Mean durations in each state
seqmodst Sequence of modal states
seqmpos Number of matching positions between two sequences.
seqmsplot Plot state sequence objects
seqmtplot Plot state sequence objects
seqnum Transform into a sequence object with numerical alphabet.
seqpcfilter Parallel coordinate plot for sequence data
seqpcplot Parallel coordinate plot for sequence data
seqplot Plot state sequence objects
seqplotMD Plot multidomain state sequences
seqpm Find substring patterns in sequences
seqprecarity Degradation, Precarity, and Insecurity indexes
seqprecorr Degradation, Precarity, and Insecurity indexes
seqprecstart State precarity
seqrecode Recoding state sequence objects and factors
seqrep Extracting sets of representative sequences
seqrf Relative Frequency Groups.
seqrfplot Plot state sequence objects
seqrplot Plot state sequence objects
seqsep Adds separators to sequences stored as character string
seqST Sequences turbulence
seqstatd Sequence of transversal state distributions and their entropies
seqstatf State frequencies in the whole sequence data set
seqstatl List of distinct states or events (alphabet) in a sequence data set.
seqsubm Generate substitution and indel costs
seqsubsn Number of distinct subsequences in a sequence.
seqtab Frequency table of the sequences
seqtransn Number of transitions in a sequence
seqtrate Compute transition rates between states
seqtree Tree structured analysis of a state sequence object.
seqtree2dot Graphical representation of a dissimilarity tree
seqtreedisplay Graphical rendering of a sequence regression tree
stlab Get or set the state labels of a sequence object
stlab<- Get or set the state labels of a sequence object
summary.ddomassoc Domain association measures
summary.dissrf Relative Frequency Groups.
summary.seqrf Relative Frequency Groups.
summary.stslist Create a state sequence object

-- T --

TraMineR Trajectory Miner: Sequence Analysis Toolkit
TraMineR.check.depr.args Checking and managing deprecated arguments
TraMineRInternalLayout Access to TraMineR internal functions
TraMineRInternalLegend Access to TraMineR internal functions
TraMineRInternalNodeInit Access to TraMineR internal functions
TraMineRInternalSeqeage Access to TraMineR internal functions
TraMineRInternalSeqgbar Access to TraMineR internal functions
TraMineRInternalSplitInit Access to TraMineR internal functions
TraMineRInternalWeightedInertiaDist Access to TraMineR internal functions